and this is who i am
First Name cannot contain special characters or numbers.
First Name is required.
First Name is too long. Maximum length is 32 characters.
Last Name cannot contain special characters or numbers.
Last Name is required.
Last Name is too long. Maximum length is 32 characters.
Email Address is not valid. Please enter a valid email format.
Email Address is required.
Email Address is too long. Maximum length is 32 characters.
Email Address is not valid. Please enter a valid email format.
Email Address is required.
Email Address is too long. Maximum length is 32 characters.
and you probably also need some business information
Company Name error
Company Name is required.
Company Name is too long. Maximum length is 64 characters.
Please enter a valid D-U-N-S number consisting of 9 digits. The number may not contain any spaces or dashes.
Company Number is required.
Company Number is too long. Maximum length is 9 characters.
Please enter a valid Employer Identification Number (EIN). It must be in the format of two digits, a dash, and seven digits (e.g., 12-3456789).
Business Registration Number is required unless you do not have one.
Business Registration Number is too long. Maximum length is 9 characters.
we’ll send the invoice as PDF file and not by post
would you mind sending the invoices here?
Invoice Email Address is not valid. Please enter a valid email format.
Invoice Email Address is required.
Invoice Email Address is too long. Maximum length is 32 characters.
Address and Home Number contains invalid characters.
Address and Home Number is required.
Address and Home Number is too long. Maximum length is 64 characters.
Address 2 contains invalid characters.
Address 2 and Home Number is required.
Address 2 is too long. Maximum length is 32 characters.
Postal Code must be in the format XXXXX.
Postal Code is required.
Postal Code is too long. Maximum length is 5 characters.
This value is not valid..
State is required.
City cannot contain special characters or numbers.
City is required.
City is too long. Maximum length is 32 characters.
Phone Number must be in the format +1XXXXXXXXX and without invalid characters.
Phone Number is required.
Phone Number is too long. Maximum length is X characters.