and you probably also need some business information:
please check the company name
company name is required
company name cannot exceed 64 characters
please enter a valid D-U-N-S Number, which consits of nine digits with no spaces or dashes
D-U-N-S Number is required
D-U-N-S Number cannot exceed 9 characters
please enter a valid EIN, which consists of two digits, a dash, and seven digits
EIN is required unless you do not have one
EIN cannot exceed 10 characters
would you mind sending the invoices here?
please check the invoice email address
invoice email address is required
invoice email address cannot exceed 64 characters
we’ll send the invoice as PDF file and not by post
please ensure the street address is valid and does not include a PO Box
street address is required
street address cannot exceed 35 characters
please check apt/suite/other
apt/suite/other is required
apt/suite/other cannot exceed 35 characters
please enter a valid five-digit ZIP code or ZIP+4 code (e.g., 12345 or 12345-6789)
ZIP code is required
ZIP code cannot exceed 10 characters
this value is not valid..
state is required
please check the city name
city is required
city cannot exceed 30 characters
phone number must start with a country code (e.g., +1) and only contain the '+' symbol and digits
phone number is required
phone number is too long; check the number and make sure there are no spaces between the digits